Homeless Student Policy and Complaint Resoultion
Homeless Students
PCR3 recognizes that homelessness alone should not be sufficient to separate students from the mainstream school environment. Therefore, PCR3, in accordance with state and federal law and the Missouri State plan entitles “Meeting the Needs of Missouri’s Homeless Children and Youth”, will give special attention to ensure that homeless children in the communities to which PCR3 provides educational services have access to a free, appropriate public education. Homeless students are those identified as such as defined in the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act.
Enrollment/Placement of Homeless Students
If a child is identified as homeless, PCR3 personnel will confer with student’s parent/guardian regarding what is in the best interest of the child for choice of school placement. In compliance with state and federal law and the Missouri State plan entitled “Meeting the Needs of Homeless Children and Youth” homeless children may be exempt from providing proof of residency if they are unable to provide information on where they reside. If prior school records are unattainable, testing will be administered within a reasonable time to ensure appropriate academic placement.
Identification of Homeless Students
For purpose of PCR3’s policies “homeless students” include students under age twenty-one (21) who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence and includes students who have a primary night-time residence that is: 1.) A supervised shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations.
2.) An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized.
3.) Transitional housing for less than one (1) full year.
4.) A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping area for people, including, but not limited to cars, tents, and abandoned buildings.
Ginger Struemph, our school counselor, (573-435-6293/gstruemph@pcr3.k12.mo.us) is the Board-appointed coordinator of programs for homeless students at PCR3. The responsibiliteis of the coordinator include but are not limited to:
1.) Establishing practices designed to maximize the school enrollment ans success of homeless students.
2.) Ensuring that homeless students and their families have access to educational services administered by PCR3.
3.) Ensuring that referrals are made to health care, dental, mental health, and other appropriate services.
4.) Ensuring that the school records of homeless students are transferred in a timely fashion.
5.) Ensuring that homeless students are not isolated or stigmatized because of their status as homeless.
6.) Ensuring that disputes over the placement of homeless students are resolved in a timely manner.
Homeless students may be enrolled in school prior to receiving their immunization records.
Policy Dissemination
Copies of PCR3’s Policy on Homeless Students will be presented to the Coutny Welfare Office, County Office of the Division of Employment Security, the Juvenile Officer and to local law enforcement authorities.
Homeless students will be identified by referrals from community organizations and by review of PCR3 enrollment form.
Complaint Resolution
Process for the resoultion of disagreements about eligibility and placement of Homeless students
Any homeless student or his/her parent/guardian may file a complaint regarding placement or access to educational programs by submitting a written complaint to the Coordinator of Homeless Programs. If the coordinator is unable to resolve the complaint within five (5) school days, unresolved complaints will be forwarded to the Principal who will meet with the Complainant upon request. Within five (5) school days of this meeting or within five (5) school days of rejection of such meeting, the Principal will prepare and forward a written decision. Thereafter, the Complainant may appeal to the Board within five (5) school days of receipt of the Principal’s decision. Thereafter, the Complainant may forward the complaint to DESE’s Director of Federal Grants.